Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Cave of Wonders

This is my most recent Illustration. The assignment was to combine two given words and create an illustration. My two words were succulent and subterranean. This is what I came up with!

This is just a picture of the illustration. It is too big for me to scan on my own scanner. Hopefully I can bring it in to the illustration lab at school to scan soon.

Mechanical Object

Digital painting of a mechanical object. During my first attempt I just tried to freehand in the shadow...

One of my professors then showed me how to create lifelike shadows using paths, a blur filter, and gradients. Looks much better! Still a work in progress though.

Artichoke Still Life

Here is the Original Sketch for the arthichoke still life:

A picture of the actual painting for my Illustration class (still in the works):

I used the same sketch and basic color scheme, but this time used it for practice while using Photoshop:

First Digital Painting

This is the first digital painting I ever did. It is of my roommate Sara. I used a photo I took for my recent photography class as a reference. 

I went back later and was able to add color to the painting. It was definitely a fun experiment!

She & Him

Another item that I designed is a new CD pamphlet for the Indie band She & Him. The lead singer is Zooey Deschanel and their style is very reminscent of the girl groups from the 60s.

I chose a common theme of puzzle pieces because of a line in the song "Sentimental Heart." It goes, "Piece of a puzzle, you're my missing part..."

Note: The white puzzle pieces on the cover are supposed to be cut outs so you can see the image underneath!



Busy Bee Bakery

Last year I created a new logo design for the bakery I work at. My boss and owner of the Busy Bee Bakery absolutely loved my new design, but had recently purchased a new awning, boxes, business cards, and stationary with a different logo. Maybe in a few years they will be needing a new logo?

This is the Business card I created for the bakery:

And here is the stationary set: